Okay, really it's just "Omelet Day" but that's not nearly as interesting as the ingredients that I had to stuff my omelet. The other night I sauteed some chicken pieces in a little oil, barbecue sauce and Italian salad dressing (it was delicious) and I had a little of the chicken left over. We decided it would make a yummy omelet for breakfast, so that's what I did.
Basic omelet ingredients:

2 eggs (or 3 if you want a larger, eggier omelet)
Olive Oil
1/2 and 1/2
salt and pepper
something yummy to fill your omelet

In a glass (or bowl), crack the eggs, drizzle a little oil, pour in a splash of 1/2 and 1/2, and sprinke in a bit of salt and pepper. Whip it all up with a fork.
In a large skillet, melt a bit of butter and a drizzle of oil over low to medium low heat. Pour the egg into the skillet, cover with a lid, and let the egg slowly cook until the egg just jiggles, and is not runny. (If you turn your heat too high, the bottom of the egg will over-cook and the top will still be runny and raw. That's where the lid comes in - it captures the heat and gently cooks the top of the egg at the same time as the bottom of the egg. If you like your omelet more runny in the middle -YUCK- leave the lid off).

With a large spatula, gently fold the omelet over, the cheese only side top of the chicken side. Replace lid and heat for a f

ew more minutes.
Now, if you're adventurous, flip the omelet over once, curling the edge under itself. Remove from heat, and serve.
Brian and I like to share one omelet, so I cut ours in half. I also served it with fresh pineapple and strawberries, and coffee and juice. YUMMY breakfast! Be cr

eative, fill your omelet with what you like to eat.
And don't forget the kitties! They like omelets, too.
Gack! Scott, I like cats, but I would never let any feline near my plate!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's Brian's plate.
ReplyDeletethank you for teaching me