Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bunny's Secret Mormon Family Recipe™ Paninis

Once again I am turning to my dear Sister Bunny for a quick and easy recipe. This one, however, requires special cooking equipment - that I don't even have.
You'll need to buy, steal, or borrow a Panini Press - you may or may not be able to use your George Foreman Grill - test it out, and let me know.
Ingredients are what you want on your Panini. We used Focaccia Bread, Olive oil, Sliced Deli
Turkey and Roast Beef, Fresh Basil, and Cheese of choice (Provolone or Jalapeno Jack are both very nice options).
Heat up your Panini Grill per instructions (I'm just guessing on this one, since I don't have a Pannini Grill). Slice the Focaccia and lightly drizzle oil on both sides. Stack your desired sliced meat product, add a leaf or two of fresh basil, and top with a slice of cheese,

Put the other side of the Focaccia on top, and place onto your Panini Grill. As it heats, continue to put pressure on the grill to flatten the sandwiches - until done.

And if you don't have a Panini Grill, leave a comment, with your email address, and I'll give you Bunny's address in Seattle so you can go hang out with the master Panini chef and see if you can't get her to make you a delicious pressed Italian sandwich.


  1. Here's a great comment from my niece, who lives in a smallish apartment in Brooklyn:

    "For those who have small kitchens with no room for large appliances :) ... you can use two frying pans for a make-shift panini press. Just put the paninis in one pan then mash them with the second. After the first side browns, flip and mash again until the cheese melts."

  2. Another way to do this using a single frying pan is to wrap a brick in foil then place that on the panini. Once browned, turn the sandwich over and finish the second side.

  3. We love our panini press. We do club sandwiches, italian subs, pizza paninis...and even get fancy sometimes with fresh garden basil, chopped sundried tomatoes and olives, EVOO, and garlic...just as the spread! Mmmm, mmmm!
